
Sunna’s Rebirth

Sunna’s Rebirth (screen-print, ink on paper)

Eclipse: Print Exchange Portfolio, Fine Arts Gallery, Student Union Building, Boise State University, Boise, ID 2019

Sawtooth Rattle

Sawtooth Rattle is a short art video by Anna Matejcek featuring footage of lichen-covered rocks in the Sawtooth mountains and a screen-printed rattlesnake. The snake was created with a Rubylith stencil, then silkscreened onto a map of Idaho. Lastly, the print was watercolored, scanned, and digitally manipulated to move and rattle in the video.

Animals of Idaho

Printmaking collaboration by Laura Lockwood and Anna Matejcek (screen-prints, ink on paper)

Campus School Exhibit, Boise State University, Boise, ID 2014

Owyhee Spring

Owyhee Spring (cotton fabric, cotton dye, screen-printing ink, SolarFast dye, fabric paint, beads, embroidery thread, grapevine)

Square Foot: Fiber Art Pin Up Show, Southeast Fiber Arts Alliance, Atlanta, GA, 2018